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High School Homeschooling And Athletics

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Is it true that high school homeschoolers can't play sports?

High School Homeschooling And Athletics

Many parents are under the wrong assumption when it comes to high school sports. They may have been told that their high school homeschooling teens will not have access to sports. That is simply not true. While teens may not play on the public high school teams, there are many outlets for athletic teens who homeschool.

Are you debating as to whether you should continue to pursue high school homeschooling? If so, here is a list of the top reasons that many parents choose to continue homeschooling their teens through highschool:

  • Families who travel prefer to homeschool through high school.
    Teens can learn a lot about geography, history, customs and life by
    traveling with their parents.
  • Teens that homeschool are more
    likely to garner work experience in their desired fields of study
    during high school. This could include paying jobs, internships or
    volunteer positions.
  • Generally speaking, teens that homeschool tend to grow closer to their parents than teens who attend public school.
  • Parents can save money by homeschooling their teenagers. When you take
    into account clothes, lunches, transportation, tuition for private or
    Christian schools -- homeschooling wins hands down.
  • Homeschooling teens develop very strong study habits and can
    work independently. This is important for students who plan to go to
  • Homeschooling teens have more time to pursue their interests over teens who attend school every day.
  • Homeschooling teens can graduate earlier than teens who attend regular school.



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